DOD – Steam Linux Dedicated Server – Install How-To

I got most of this information for this great post on the steam forums:


First you need to add a user to run the server from:

#useradd -m "game"
#passwd game
New Unix Password: yourpass

Now login to the user you made and make the directory to install the server to.
$mkdir /home/game/hlds_1

Now download the half-life dedicated server installer from Steam's website:

Move that file to the install directory if it is not their:
$mv hldsupdatetool.bin /home/game/hlds_1/

Make the installer executable:
$cd /home/game/hlds_1
$chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin

Run the installer:
$./hldsupdatetool.bin   (answer yes)

If you get and error like "sh: line 1: uncompress: command not found"
Try this command and then rerun it:
#ln -s /usr/bin/gzip /usr/bin/uncompress

Now install steam and the game of your choice:
To see games and commands type this:
$./steam -command update

This is the command to install dod to this directory.
$./steam -command update -game dod -dir /home/game/hlds_1

To update a game once installed your command will look like this:
$./steam -command update -game dod

To launch the server use this command:
$./steam –command update –game dod –port 27015 +map dod_donner +maxplayers 20

Once you get everything working the way you want you can make a script to start the server the way you want.  To do that we will make a script in the ~hlds_1 directory: 
$nano /home/game/hlds_1/start-dod

Input this into the start-dod file, which you are making with nano:


cd $HOME/hlds_1


/usr/bin/screen -A -m -d -S dod ./hlds_run -game dod -port 27015 +map dod_donner +maxplayers 12

The reason the +ip command was taken out was because my server is behind a linksys router and when you input the ip address of the wan connection you cannot connect to the server from inside the lan.

Make “start-dod” executable:
$chmod +x start-dod

To launch the server now all you need to type is this while in the hlds_1 directory:

Now check to see if it started:
$ps –x

It should be listed in the processes as hlds_run…… or hlds_amd…… etc.

To view the server output to console type the following
$screen -x dod

If you want to close it again press ctrl+a+d, and it will detach the screen and keep it running in the background.

To setup the server behind a router:

Like mentioned before launch the server without the +ipxxx parameter.  Then on the router you will have to port forward port 27015 to the lan ip of the server machine.  This will allow you to connect to the server from inside the lan and allow people for outside the lan to connect.