Welcome to the Fun Zone

What is this website about?
 It covers a bunch of things I have done, mostly dealing with technology, and have wasted lots of time doing.

Table of Contents

WinXP tweaking
What is a .rar, .zip, .tar, .gzip, etc. file extension?
Setting up and using alcohol 120%
Setting up and using mirc
Install Fedora Core 3
How to add a hard drive to your DirectTivo
How to hack your xbox?
Setting up XBMC
How to setup MythTV on your xbox running Xebian
How to setup your linksys router to run a server behind it
JP1 remote howto.
Overclocking Howto
Banshee Turbo Charging
Engineering Concepts and Equations
Setup your atv for Motocross racing.
How to rip and encode the perfect DVD to XVID with dolby digital 5.1 sound

MythTv - Xebian Howto
DOD - Steam Dedicated linux server install How-To